Saturday, October 14, 2006


I gotta say that I used to like the foolish, love stories with nice end, even the most stupid, and is not a secret, I may say that love is something i just cannot resist, falling again and again in love, is so easy for me, I just dont understand sometimes but… i fall again,

Es difícil definir el amor, es algo indescifrable y que se siente desde el principio desde que conoces a la persona, y es solo es cuestión de tiempo descubrirlo… a veces 5 minutos, a veces años, cuando trato de entender la relación entre atracción y amor, no escribo nada… pero me queda claro en la mente, aunque después me confunda

I love the love in secret is such a romantic way to show it all, and then it blows up as a poem in a kiss or a frenetic and uncontrolled show of affection, I cannot just explain the chemistry going on in a body when experiencing the moment of facing to be loved or to be rejected… is everything going in seconds, your faith, your long hours of thinking and repeating the moment and having all kind of scenarios in your mind, to finish with an unplanned and not controlled result…

This is a no brainer question, you love or you not, that’s it, is easy, and is complicated, it just happens as easy as it goes, sometimes you may be confused but is not confusion actually is just a matter of decision and understanding of yourself, so it may sound even harder to realize, but is not…

Someone says world goes by the hand of love, and the problem actually is that is not true, love is not so easy to find, is not so easy to work on, and people always take the easy way, running out of real love… and avoiding the nice part of being alive…


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